Why do Washington Strippers need a blacklist? Blame SESTA/FOSTARead more below... https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2019/03/26/39727592/why-do-washington-strippers-need-a-blacklist-blame-fostasesta?fbc...
Stacey Abrams says the country has "obligated" to protect sex workersRead more below... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stacey-abrams-sex-workers-safe_n_5cb5d1f8e4b0ffefe3b7471d?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003&fbc...
Parents should help teens gain a healthy understanding of sexRead more below https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2019/03/14/why-parents-need-help-teens-develop-healthy-understanding-sex-how-do-...
Sex therapist reveals surprising truths about men's desireThe new book covers topics such as libido, porn, and physical attractiveness. Read more here https://www.today.com/health/men-sex-relatio...
Get in Touch With Your SexualityClinical counselor and sexologist Susan Kaye shares how touch and affirmation can transform relationships. Read the story here.
Prostitution advocacy group launches national campaign to decriminalize sex work.In response to SESTA-FOSTA, a new national organization has formed to repeal this law and decriminalize sex work nationwide. The mission...
How sex censorship killed the internet we love.Take a moment and read this article. This effects all of us. "When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie." -Yevgeny...
20 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life in Just One Day!Has your sex life has fizzled, totally crashed, or morphed into “roommates only” territory after many years together? Getting your groove...
Are you sabotaging your sex life?From U.S. News and World Report...."Are You Sabotaging Your Sex Life?"